Asphalt Commercial Repair in Phoenix


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What Causes Asphalt Damage

shutterstock_280270967You might start looking for a commercial asphalt repair company when you start seeing damage to your pavement, but what is causing the problem? Asphalt in Phoenix frequently shows wear due to the high temperatures and endless hours under the beating sun. While the freeze/thaw cycles is an issue in other areas, in Phoenix, the biggest culprits are water and heat. In addition, a failing base layer can mean a poorly installed surface from the start. Location is one of the top-selling points in real estate, and it can also be the most important consideration when looking at property maintenance. For Phoenix business owners, you have a lot of sunny days and high temperatures, which can mean serious maintenance challenges for your parking lot. Your parking lot is often the first thing potential customers see, so it is essential for it to stay clean and in good repair.


Types of Asphalt Damage

Asphalt paving typically shows wear in one of two basic ways: potholes or cracking. The sun can speed up cracking, leaving weak spots on the surface that are vulnerable to seepage. Over time, water will widen those cracks, leading to potholes.


Repairing Asphalt Damage

When cracks first appear, you have the opportunity to fix them before potholes develop with an overlay. If you have potholes, some may be easily filled without needing to tackle the entire surface. If the base layer is failing, full removal and replacement is likely your best option. With many types of repair available, it is important to have your lot assessed by an expert.


Benefits of Commercial Asphalt Maintenance

A smooth, black, asphalt surface with clearly defined striping is an asset to your business. Not only does it tell customers you welcome them, but it also means less liability. Trips and falls are much more likely on a broken surface with uncertain footing. By keeping your asphalt in good repair, you keep your business safe from premise liabilities and boost your curb appeal to customers.


Potential Dangers of Commercial Traffic

While the Phoenix area’s heat and direct sun can cause significant asphalt hazards, there’s another potential danger lurking for any parking lot, driveway, or loading dock area: trucks carrying heavy loads. As heavy trucks drive in and out, a form of fatigue cracking known as “alligator cracking” begins to form. If the previously laid asphalt has any weak spots or inconsistent thickness, these cracks will become even more prominent. Eventually, with enough wear and tear, there’s a good chance of full structural failure.


Asphalt’s Natural Enemies

Beyond the heat, sunlight, and other weather-related hazards, nature has other ways of potentially harming your commercial asphalt: tree roots. Roots are on a constant mission to find and absorb water, and to do this they will often extend up to 75 feet from the trunk, typically right below ground level. If you’ve placed asphalt near any large trees or other foliage known for its extensive root systems, you’ll soon see cracks and deformities in the pavement as the roots grow and reach out for a potential water source.


How Water Can Damage Commercial Asphalt

While Phoenix is located in a desert, that doesn’t mean that commercial properties are lacking for greenery to make their offices, storefronts, or warehouses more visually appealing. So, despite the understandable lack of concern for rain damage to asphalt, standing water from sprinkler systems, cleaning areas, or even dump spots can weaken the asphalt, creating cracks and encouraging potholes.


Choosing Asphalt Companies in Phoenix

When you need asphalt repair, you need a company that has lots of experience dealing with Phoenix weather. At One Stop Asphalt, we know the Phoenix area and routinely work to lay asphalt lots designed to stand up to the heat of an Arizona summer. Let our expert technicians diagnose the cause of your problem and recommend the right commercial asphalt repair. Contact us today to schedule an inspection.


Contact Information


If you have any questions, fill in the form below, and we will contact you as soon as possible.


3616 W Whitton Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85019

ROC #319941


(602) 595-9658
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