Parking Lots: Should I Sealcoat, Overlay, Regrade and Replace?

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Parking Lots: Should I Sealcoat, Overlay, Regrade and Replace?

Parking Lot Repair. Asphalt is the most popular choice for parking lots here in the Phoenix area. A big part of the reason people choose asphalt parking lots is that asphalt is extremely durable. Even so, there will come a time when your asphalt parking lot starts to show signs of wear and tear. At that point, you’ll need to decide between repairing asphalt and completely replacing the parking lot. Start the process by understanding the options you have for the parking lot at your school, car dealership, or other commercial property.


Asphalt Parking Lot Seal Coating

Seal coating a parking lot won’t necessarily repair broken asphalt, but it will help prevent problems from coming up in the first place. Seal coating creates a layer of protection against water, oils, and UV rays that could otherwise penetrate your parking lot and cause the asphalt to break apart. Here in Arizona, we recommend seal coating your parking lot every two or three years at least. This will help your parking lot from wearing out prematurely as a result of our hot and sunny weather.

Seal coating relies on a mixture of materials, including the following:

  • Acrylics or bituminous products
  • Water
  • Silica sand
  • Proprietary fillers
  • Polymer additives

Once the mixture is created, it can be applied to your parking lot in a variety of ways. Typically, your parking lot repair company will spray the material onto your lot, evening it out with a brush or squeegee. This is one of the least expensive things you can do to make your parking lot last longer, and seal coating may extend the life of your asphalt by as much as 100%. If there’s already too much damage for this inexpensive solution to be viable, move on to other options and keep seal coating in mind going forward.


Repaving Asphalt With an Overlay

If you have broken asphalt, but most of your parking lot is still structurally sound, you may be able to get by with an overlay. This process is more expensive than seal coating but much less expensive than completely replacing a parking lot. The asphalt company will be able to fix your problem with an overlay as long as the subgrade is still acceptable. In other words, you can save yourself a lot of money by addressing issues before they get serious enough to damage your subgrade.

When you have your parking lot repaved, you can expect a smooth surface that looks as good as new. Since you’re covering up your old lot with a fresh layer, the stripes will be repainted once the fresh asphalt is added. This process helps prevent difficulties from getting worse while making your parking lot look better. When you repave asphalt, you’ll get rid of cracks and potholes, which also makes for a smoother and safer environment. Expect a parking lot overlay to last 5-10 years as long as it’s maintained correctly.

Know the following signs to make sure you get your parking lot resurfaced before it’s too late:

  • Pooling water or other signs of poor drainage
  • Falling or sinking areas in the parking lot
  • Cracks, especially those wider than ¼ inch
  • Excessive stains and fading
  • Crumbling edges or warping
  • Potholes


Remove and Replace Parking Lot

This process, which may also be called regrade and replace, is necessary when you have very bad instances of broken asphalt. It’s the most expensive of all of your possible solutions, but it also lasts the longest. When you get your parking lot completely replaced, it should last about 20-30 years. Of course, appropriate maintenance routines (like seal coating every couple of years) will help you get more time from your new parking lot.

Complete removal and replacement becomes necessary when there are significant problems with your parking lot’s subgrade. It’s possible that the Phoenix asphalt company that created your parking lot simply didn’t prepare the subgrade correctly. Most of the time, though, difficulties arise when the subgrade gets exposed to the elements because the parking lot wasn’t maintained as well as it should have been.

Deciding to repair or replace a parking lot is somewhat similar to making that decision about your vehicle or a major appliance. When you find yourself sinking more and more money into repairs, it may be time to start over with a completely new parking lot. You can also schedule an inspection from a Phoenix parking lot company to get a professional opinion about your options.


Parking Lot Repair and Replacement in Phoenix

At One Stop Asphalt, we have more than 15 years of experience paving and resurfacing parking lots in Arizona. We know what it takes to keep a parking lot in good shape here in the desert, which is why we use the best processes and materials. Contact us for a quote.


Image: Winai Tepsuttinun

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