Parking Lot Striping Services in Phoenix


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Asphalt Striping Services:

Striping is the application of traffic paint to an asphalt or concrete surface. Traffic paint is a specially designed paint used on roadway surfaces and provides direction and information to the persons in the area.


It is important that the asphalt surface is clean and dry prior to the application of traffic paint. The areas to be painted are marked out using chalk lines to be sure the striping is precise. We use specially designed striping machines that apply the paint evenly and provide a professional result every time.


There are multiple uses for striping, such as the common car stall, handicap designated parking, directional arrows, number stencils, or reserved parking spaces. Striping typically takes place the day of or after new asphalt or seal coat has been applied. It is important to note that striping is made to last, and may show up through a seal coat after a few years of wear. Any striping that is no longer desirable should be “blacked out” (covered with black paint) prior to seal coating to be sure it will not show through in the future. In some cases, a longer-lasting surface is preferred.


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Finishing Your Surface with Striping

Once you have a smooth and vibration-free asphalt surface for your Phoenix parking lot, you’ll need to add some striping for traffic control. Poor parking can lead to inefficient usage and cost you in customer traffic flow. When customers can’t find a parking space, they might just keep on driving. Striping helps you get the maximum number of safe parking spaces out of your lot.

What is Striping?

Striping is the paint that provides directions to drivers in a parking lot. This can include markings for handicapped spaces, space guidelines, stenciled numbers, reserved space notifications, and directional arrows.

Benefits of Striping

Striping helps minimize the chance of an accident in your parking lot. It can also be a bonus to tenants if you rent a property. Reserved spaces for specific businesses can help close lease deals. The more parking spaces you have, the more customers you can serve at one time. Striping allows you to take advantage of every bit of asphalt.

The One Stop Asphalt Difference

At One Stop Asphalt, we use leading-edge technology to create paved surfaces that are functional, pristine, and durable. Our striping machines lay clean lines that will last for years. In fact, to avoid overlap during a layout change, you’ll want us to paint existing lines black before we lay our new striping. The Phoenix sun can be brutal, but our striped lines show through for years to come. Give us a call today to discuss your grading and striping needs.


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Contact Information


If you have any questions, fill in the form below, and we will contact you as soon as possible.


3616 W Whitton Ave
Phoenix, AZ 85019

ROC #319941


(602) 595-9658
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