

ADA Handicap Parking Requirements

The Americans with Disabilities Act has profoundly affected how we design buildings and public spaces, especially when maintaining the parking lot. The ADA has some very specific regulations regarding painting handicap-accessible parking spots and making sure your parking lot is designed with ramps and pathways in all the right places.

Here at One Stop Asphalt, we know what it takes to make sure your parking lot is elegantly accessible and ADA compliant after a fresh parking lot repainting.


Number of Handicap-Accessible Stalls

Every public parking lot is required to have handicap parking spots that meet ADA size and accessibility requirements. There must be at least one van-accessible spot, and in parking lots smaller than 26 slots, that may be the only handicap parking space.

  • 1-25 Parking Spots
    • 1 Handicap Spot
      • 1 Van Accessible Spot
  • 26-50 Parking Spots
    • 2 Handicap Spots
      • 1 Standard Accessible Spot
      • 1 Van Accessible Spot
  • 51-75 Parking Spots
    • 3 Handicap Spots 
      • 2 Standard Accessible Spots
      • 1 Van Accessible Spot
  • 76-100 Parking Spots
    • 4 Handicap Spots 
      • 3 Standard Accessible Spots
      • 1 Van Accessible Spot
  • 101-150 Parking Spots
    • 5 Handicap Spots 
      • 4 Standard Accessible Spots
      • 1 Van Accessible Spot
  • 151-200 Parking Spots
    • 6 Handicap Spots 
      • 5 Standard Accessible Spots
      • 1 Van Accessible Spot
  • 201 – 300 Parking Spots
    • 7 Handicap Spots 
      • 5 Standard Accessible Spots
      • 2 Van Accessible Spots
  • 301 – 400 Parking Spots
    • 8 Handicap Spots 
      • 6 Standard Accessible Spots
      • 2 Van Accessible Spots
  • 301 – 500 Parking Spots
    • 9 Handicap Spots 
      • 7 Standard Accessible Spots
      • 2 Van Accessible Spots
  • 500 – 1000 Parking Spots
    • 2% of all parking spots must be Handicap Spots
    • 5:1 Ratio Standard to Van Spots
  • 1000 + Parking Spots
    • 20 Handicap Spots
    • + 1 for every 100 Spots over 1000
    • 5:1 Ratio Standard to Van Spots


Handicap-Accessible Signage

Every handicap-accessible parking space must be marked with a handicap-accessible sign that the driver can see, clearly indicating the purpose of the space and where it is safe for handicapped drivers or accessible vehicles to park. Here are the ADA regulations for just where and how to position your handicap-accessible signage in the parking lot.

  • The international symbol of accessibility
    • Wheelchair figure
    • White on blue background
  • At least 5 feet off the ground
    • 60 inches
    • Sometimes 80 inches
  • Post at the head of the parking space
  • Post does not obstruct vehicles from using the space
  • The sign must be visible from the driver’s side when parking
  • “Van Accessible” spots must be so labeled for the specified spots


Location for Accessible Parking Spaces

Handicap-accessible parking should be prioritized for the shortest walk and easiest access to ramps along the path. Place handicap-accessible spaces near your ramps, sloped sidewalk entry points, and nearest the entry and exit doors. If you have multiple entrances and exits, you have more options for where to place your handicap spaces to provide a short walk. Consider pouring newly ramped sidewalks to enhance the accessibility of the path from your parking spaces to each entrance.


Accessible Parking Space Size and Pavement Painting Specifications

Painting your accessible parking spaces requires careful measurement. Standard-sized handicap accessible parking spaces must be eight feet wide with a five-foot diagonally painted access aisle adjacent to each slot. Handicap van accessible spots must be 16 feet wide, but this can be with an 11-foot slot and a five-foot aisle or an eight-foot slot and an eight-foot aisle.


Paint using blue and white or red and green, whichever is the most visible in your climate and on your pavement.


Standard Handicap-Accessible Parking Space

  • 8 Ft wide: 96 inches
  • 5-foot access aisle adjacent to the 8-foot slot
  • The aisle should lead to an access ramp or accessible entryway


Van Accessible Parking Space

  • 11 Ft wide: 132 inches
  • 5-foot access aisle
  • Alternate: 8-foot fan space with 8-foot access aisle
  • The vertical clearance of 98 inches for lift equipment


Why Choose One Stop Asphalt

One-Stop Asphalt can help you care for all your paving and parking lot compliance needs in the Phoenix, Arizona, metropolitan area. Whether you are managing a local business, venue, or multi-family residence, our fifteen years in the business gives us the insight and experience to ensure your parking lot is done right the first time, every time. One Stop can create beautiful pavement, help you maintain your existing parking lot, and repaint your parking spots in accordance with the current ADA regulations.


Parking Lot Repair & Striping in Phoenix, AZ

If your business or venue needs parking lot repair or parking lot striping services in Phoenix, AZ, contact us today. One Stop Asphalt can make your pavement needs quick, easy, and well-designed for your property’s flow of traffic. Contact us today for your initial parking lot consultation.


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Parking Spot

What Are the Standard Dimensions of a Parking Space?

Here is what you need to know as a commercial or business owner looking to construct or improve their blacktop parking space in Phoenix. Parking space dimensions are highly influenced by the ADA guidelines, accessibility, traffic at the parking lot, and the curb rotation angle.

This article will discuss how One-Stop Asphalt can help you have your most efficient parking space.


Types of Parking Spaces & Dimensions Used for Phoenix Businesses

It is vital for you to know that vehicles can fit in the parking spaces either perpendicularly, angled, or in a parallel manner. The spaces and dimensions are standardized across the US. However slightly differ depending on the local regulations and guidelines of your area.

For instance, amongst the services offered by One Stop Asphalt in Phoenix, line stripping has to follow some mandatory guidelines of different authorities.

Standard parking space dimensions across America are 7.5 and 9 feet for width and 16 to 20 feet for depth. However, for the North American dimensions, you are needed to use 8.5 to 9 feet wide by 18 for parking space. For angles, it is 30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees for most places.

Let’s look at some of the types of parking spaces and dimensions.


One-Way vs. Two-Way

The range between rows in your parking lot aisle will be between 14 and 24 feet, which depends on if it’s a one-way or two-way aisle. Aisles in two-way are wider in dimensions to allow the safe movement of vehicles in the opposite direction. They are 20 feet and above.

As for one-way aisles, they can be narrower and sometimes more comprehensive only when the angle the curb takes at the parking space is wider. It ensures your vehicle is safe upon entry and exit.


Angled Parking Spaces

The wider the angle, the wider the aisle is. The angle formed upon the parking space meeting the curb determines the dimensions of the aisle. As most parking space dimensions are positioned at 30, 45, 60, and 90 degrees, they all influence the movement of your vehicle in specific ways.

When the angle is wider, the aisle has to be wide since vehicles need more space to maneuver the parking space safely. Angled parking spaces can be helpful where parking lot dimensions are limited; at least 60 degrees give 20 feet of space between parking stalls; 30 degrees allows you to move a lot but is dangerous for areas bordering the street.


90- Degree Parking Spaces

Most business and commercial property owners widely use these parking spaces. The parking stalls are right-angled from the driveway. One-way aisles with 90 degrees spacing are equal to aisles in two-way. They require wider parking lot dimensions with a turning space of 26 feet.


Parallel Parking Spaces

These are straight parking spots along street edges. They require enough space for vehicles to move around. Parallel parking spaces can only be used in cases where other designs are unsuitable.


ADA Accessibility

Being compliant with ADA guidelines regarding accessibility does not stop only at painting the parking space. In Phoenix, you need to consider the following:

  • The size of the pavement and parking space dimensions should be at least 8 feet wide and the total length of a stall to enable easy access to elevators, wheelchairs, and other walkers.
  • The location of parking spaces should be accessible to the entrances and exits of the building.
  • Signage for accessible areas for people with disability should be 5 feet off the ground to avoid being blocked by vehicles.
  • The number of stalls accessible to the disabled should match the total stalls in the parking.
  • Accessible areas, aisles, and routes corresponding to them should be kept in the best shape and clean.
  • There are specific government laws that strictly govern these rules, which you need to consult your authorities before stripping.


Parking Lot Repair and Stripping in Phoenix, AZ

One Stop Asphalt provides a high-quality service that will make your parking area appear brand-new and flawless. Our asphalt patching makes old parking lots look like new again. While our complete installs offer years of performance without much asphalt maintenance.

Visit our website to learn more about our services, which include asphalt paving, crack filling, removal and replacement, grading and stripping, overlay, and seal coating. You can also contact us to get the best customer experience.

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Arizona State Requirements for Parking Lots

Most commercial buildings maintain their own parking lots. Whether you’re planning new construction or looking to update your commercial property in Arizona, you need to know whether your parking lot follows all the relevant state and ADA guidelines. Work with One Stop Asphalt to explore the various requirements and plan a parking area that’s safe, affordable, and long-lasting.


Arizona State Requirements

Arizona state requirements for parking lots are designed to keep customers, employees, and other visitors safe. Some requirements need to be met during the planning phase, while others are installation considerations. At One Stop Asphalt, we’re experienced with statewide requirements and various local ordinances and regulations in the Phoenix area. Here are the basic components of statewide parking lot requirements.

Statewide requirements are only one set of regulations you need to consider. Remember that cities, counties, and other areas all have their own rules, regulations, and zoning ordinances to comply with. Our expert paving team can help you navigate these various regulations and craft a lot that fits your budget and exceeds your expectations.


Necessary Permits

All parking areas require prior approval from a local building department. Your chosen parking area needs to be appropriately zoned; otherwise, you’ll need to submit a request to rezone the lot to be allowed as commercial parking.

Once zoning is handled, your construction company needs to secure construction permits and work with local inspectors to provide a safe structure. Our team handles these steps for you, so you don’t have to worry about understanding current building codes for parking lots.


Detailed Parking Plan

The state of Arizona requires a detailed parking plan before you begin work on your parking lot. Basically, this plan needs to show your line striping and how it will show customers how to park. The aisles, parking spaces, and walkways all have required minimum dimensions that you’ll need to follow. Whether you implement a 90-degree parking area or a parallel lot, we’ll help you submit the necessary parking plan.


Dust-Free Pavement

Excess dust from dirt parking lots and other materials can become a health concern, so an Arizona parking lot needs to have a dust-free material. This includes most types of asphalt and cement parking options, although decomposed granite is considered a dusted surface and isn’t included in this list. Work with our team at One Stop Asphalt to identify the best paving material that follows all state requirements.

While dust-free pavement is the only requirement, it’s far from the only material decision you’ll need to make. Compare the quality of pavement, additives, and line striping options to find out why we’re a leader among trusted asphalt contractors. The right materials reduce the risk of cracking and water damage.


Safety Features

Clear lines of vision, safety curves, and other features need to be part of any parking area in Phoenix. Work with our team to include them in your design and installation. Clear lines of vision are created by removing any obstacles near the entrances and exits of your lot. Trees, fences, walls, and other structures could make it difficult to exit the lot onto a busy street safely. An on-site inspector can help identify any potential obstacles that need to be removed.

Safety curves are ridges that prevent drivers from pulling off your parking lot. These are particularly helpful if there is a steep ditch or an adjacent private property. Safety curves shouldn’t be included in the middle of your parking lot, but our team can help you install reliable curves where you need them.


Accessible Spaces

Finally, Arizona state requirements include specifications for accessible spaces. These spaces need to be clearly marked and follow ADA requirements for safe, accessible parking. We’re committed to staying up to date on accessibility requirements, so you don’t have to worry about these particular rules and regulations.


ADA Parking Lot Requirements

Let us handle your ADA parking lot requirements. Our paving team provides the necessary number of stalls, dimensions of stalls, and features of spaces to keep your building accessible for all your customers.


Number of Stalls

There isn’t a set number of parking stalls that need to be set aside for accessible parking. However, the number depends on the total available spaces. We’ll work with you to calculate the necessary stall amount and where to place them to follow ADA requirements.


Dimensions and Features of Stalls

Whether you’re creating van accessible stalls or standard ones, the dimensions need to be larger than typical stalls. The minimum stall width is eight feet, while the minimum van-accessible width is 11 feet. The length depends on your particular location, so we’ll work with local zoning codes to find your parking lot’s required length.

In addition to dimensions, every accessible stall needs to have a reasonably flat surface, not to exceed a 1:48 slope limit. There are also vertical clearances and identification requirements, so work with our team to review all of these feature requirements before submitting a parking plan and starting your parking lot construction project.


Accessibility to Building

Before selecting the location of accessible stalls, be sure they have close access to your building. ADA requires that these spaces are the closest to the building being served. Meeting all the other requirements won’t help if your accessible spaces are on the far end of your parking lot or away from the ramp to your entrance.


Create a Safe Parking Area in Arizona

At One Stop Asphalt in Phoenix, AZ, we have the local experience and reputation you need to comply with state and ADA requirements. Request a free estimate today to find out how you can update your parking lot or expand your parking with a new surface. Work with a leader in asphalt solutions to provide your employees, customers, and clients with safe, legal, and reliable parking spaces. Contact us online or call 480-739-3018 today!

Featured Image: Shella Fitzegerald / Shutterstock 

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safely lined and paved parking lot with cars one stop asphalt

How to Limit Parking Lot Accidents

While driving in a parking lot means lower speeds, it also means a lot of accidents. One out of every five accidents happens in a parking lot. When you are the parking lot owner, the last thing you want to deal with is a possible question of premise liability. Your asphalt paving and maintenance can have a major impact on the number of accidents that occur on your lot. Here are a few preventable issues that you should be on the lookout for.

Growing Potholes and the Swerves that Result

When you see a big pothole in the ground, swerving to avoid it is a natural response. After all, you don’t want to risk a broken axle or torn tire. Unfortunately, swerving can put you into the path of travel of another vehicle. Cleaning up and tackling asphalt repair in Phoenix can give your customers a smooth surface that is pothole-free. Don’t leave your customers jerking the wheel to avoid vehicle damage.

Spacing Issues

Tight parking lots don’t always leave a lot of space for turning around or backing into or out of a parking space. That makes maximizing your lot a priority. The striping you use and the positioning of every space need expert attention to avoid backing one car into another.

Double Striping

As cracks appear on the surface of your pavement, the striping can also fade. When that happens, laying new striping on top of old without first crack filling your parking lot in Phoenix can mean a lot of show-through. When old striping is still visible through the new striping, it can cause a lot of confusion on your lot. Vehicles might park too far in one direction or another, raising the risk of a parking lot fender bender.

Directional Cues

In addition to striping, you might want to include some traffic directions. If your lanes are narrow, they really should be one-way. A few arrows added to your lot can help with traffic flow and prevent a lot of problems.

Stopping Seepage

A poorly prepared underlayment means that you could have water building up in the ground. That means a total removal and replacement for your existing asphalt. When drainage isn’t sufficient, it can lead to all sorts of problems, including additional water on your parking lot surface, which can make it dangerous to drive on and create a slick surface that leads to sliding vehicles.

Keep your pavement and customers safe while looking good and boosting your businesses curb appeal  At One Stop Asphalt, we can help you with all of your paving needs, so contact us today to discuss we can help to keep your parking lot save and paved.

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asphalt paving job smoothed down by tractor one stop asphalt

5 Questions to Ask Before Working with an Asphalt Paving Specialist

Updated: August 29, 2021

Quality paving jobs can last twenty years or more, while substandard paving can start to degrade after a year or two. Since asphalt paving in Phoenix can carry a hefty price tag, it’s important to make sure you get the job done right the first time. Before you pick a contractor, be sure to ask some questions about capability and quality. Here is a quick checklist to help make sure you get the job done well.


1. How long has your company been handling asphalt repair in Phoenix?

Experience, particularly when dealing with the high heat and tough drainage conditions in Phoenix, is an important part of hiring a contractor. The last thing you want is to get stuck with a startup that is still learning the job.


2. Can you provide references and a portfolio of finished projects?

Any reputable contracting company should have a list of references for their recently finished work. Satisfied customers often make the best testimonial for quality. Ask for references and be sure to follow up with them to get an idea of how the company works.


3. Is your company licensed and insured? What about work guarantees?

Good contractors meet all the legal requirements for asphalt driveway paving, and that includes carrying the required insurance and maintaining good licensing for their projects. Another thing to look for is a guarantee on the work performed. If your asphalt paving starts to show wear in a year or two, you want a company that will do the repair work without an extra bill. Ask about guarantees and how they work. Some companies only cover the cost of labor and may have very limited time frames for coverage.


4. How much is it going to cost?

The cost of your asphalt repair isn’t the only criteria when picking a paving company, but it certainly can help determine which company you choose. Cost estimates that look too good to be true may not include some necessary work in the quote. Be sure to get all of the information about the scope of work before you sign with a specific company, and make sure that they guarantee the quote, so you won’t be facing any added charges at the end of the project.


5. How long will paving take?

A safe driveway and smooth parking lot are essential for your business. When you need repair work, you need it done quickly. Make sure the company you choose has the resources to get the job done soon and timely.

At One Stop Asphalt, we bring 15 years of experienced, licensed and insured contracting work to every job we quote. When you need quality work at an affordable price, we can help. Contact us today for an assessment and get a quote you can count on.

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Featured image: Marcel Derweduwen/Shutterstock