
arizona parking lot requirements e1605894533351

Arizona State Requirements for Parking Lots

Most commercial buildings maintain their own parking lots. Whether you’re planning new construction or looking to update your commercial property in Arizona, you need to know whether your parking lot follows all the relevant state and ADA guidelines. Work with One Stop Asphalt to explore the various requirements and plan a parking area that’s safe, affordable, and long-lasting.


Arizona State Requirements

Arizona state requirements for parking lots are designed to keep customers, employees, and other visitors safe. Some requirements need to be met during the planning phase, while others are installation considerations. At One Stop Asphalt, we’re experienced with statewide requirements and various local ordinances and regulations in the Phoenix area. Here are the basic components of statewide parking lot requirements.

Statewide requirements are only one set of regulations you need to consider. Remember that cities, counties, and other areas all have their own rules, regulations, and zoning ordinances to comply with. Our expert paving team can help you navigate these various regulations and craft a lot that fits your budget and exceeds your expectations.


Necessary Permits

All parking areas require prior approval from a local building department. Your chosen parking area needs to be appropriately zoned; otherwise, you’ll need to submit a request to rezone the lot to be allowed as commercial parking.

Once zoning is handled, your construction company needs to secure construction permits and work with local inspectors to provide a safe structure. Our team handles these steps for you, so you don’t have to worry about understanding current building codes for parking lots.


Detailed Parking Plan

The state of Arizona requires a detailed parking plan before you begin work on your parking lot. Basically, this plan needs to show your line striping and how it will show customers how to park. The aisles, parking spaces, and walkways all have required minimum dimensions that you’ll need to follow. Whether you implement a 90-degree parking area or a parallel lot, we’ll help you submit the necessary parking plan.


Dust-Free Pavement

Excess dust from dirt parking lots and other materials can become a health concern, so an Arizona parking lot needs to have a dust-free material. This includes most types of asphalt and cement parking options, although decomposed granite is considered a dusted surface and isn’t included in this list. Work with our team at One Stop Asphalt to identify the best paving material that follows all state requirements.

While dust-free pavement is the only requirement, it’s far from the only material decision you’ll need to make. Compare the quality of pavement, additives, and line striping options to find out why we’re a leader among trusted asphalt contractors. The right materials reduce the risk of cracking and water damage.


Safety Features

Clear lines of vision, safety curves, and other features need to be part of any parking area in Phoenix. Work with our team to include them in your design and installation. Clear lines of vision are created by removing any obstacles near the entrances and exits of your lot. Trees, fences, walls, and other structures could make it difficult to exit the lot onto a busy street safely. An on-site inspector can help identify any potential obstacles that need to be removed.

Safety curves are ridges that prevent drivers from pulling off your parking lot. These are particularly helpful if there is a steep ditch or an adjacent private property. Safety curves shouldn’t be included in the middle of your parking lot, but our team can help you install reliable curves where you need them.


Accessible Spaces

Finally, Arizona state requirements include specifications for accessible spaces. These spaces need to be clearly marked and follow ADA requirements for safe, accessible parking. We’re committed to staying up to date on accessibility requirements, so you don’t have to worry about these particular rules and regulations.


ADA Parking Lot Requirements

Let us handle your ADA parking lot requirements. Our paving team provides the necessary number of stalls, dimensions of stalls, and features of spaces to keep your building accessible for all your customers.


Number of Stalls

There isn’t a set number of parking stalls that need to be set aside for accessible parking. However, the number depends on the total available spaces. We’ll work with you to calculate the necessary stall amount and where to place them to follow ADA requirements.


Dimensions and Features of Stalls

Whether you’re creating van accessible stalls or standard ones, the dimensions need to be larger than typical stalls. The minimum stall width is eight feet, while the minimum van-accessible width is 11 feet. The length depends on your particular location, so we’ll work with local zoning codes to find your parking lot’s required length.

In addition to dimensions, every accessible stall needs to have a reasonably flat surface, not to exceed a 1:48 slope limit. There are also vertical clearances and identification requirements, so work with our team to review all of these feature requirements before submitting a parking plan and starting your parking lot construction project.


Accessibility to Building

Before selecting the location of accessible stalls, be sure they have close access to your building. ADA requires that these spaces are the closest to the building being served. Meeting all the other requirements won’t help if your accessible spaces are on the far end of your parking lot or away from the ramp to your entrance.


Create a Safe Parking Area in Arizona

At One Stop Asphalt in Phoenix, AZ, we have the local experience and reputation you need to comply with state and ADA requirements. Request a free estimate today to find out how you can update your parking lot or expand your parking with a new surface. Work with a leader in asphalt solutions to provide your employees, customers, and clients with safe, legal, and reliable parking spaces. Contact us online or call 480-739-3018 today!

Featured Image: Shella Fitzegerald / Shutterstock 

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asphalt care tips 1

How to Protect Your Asphalt

Your commercial parking lot or residential driveway starts as a beautiful, flawless surface, but many things can damage your paving project. Explore the top eight things that cause asphalt damage and discover how our team at One Stop Asphalt can assist you in comprehensive maintenance and repairs.

Extreme Weight

Asphalt is only designed for a specific weight limit. Residential driveways are typically 4 inches thick, while commercial lots usually have a 6-inch thick layer of asphalt. If your paving team used less asphalt, or if your parking lot has been used by an overloaded truck, you may experience cracking, chipping, and other issues.

Ask your paving team about the recommended thickness of your parking area. If you expect heavy trucks or construction vehicles to park on your lot, ask our team at One Stop Asphalt to install a suitable driveway or parking area. We’ll recommend the best thickness for your project. New installation projects may benefit from fiber-reinforced asphalt.


Tree Roots

Trees are slow-growing powerhouses capable of plowing through asphalt, concrete, and other materials. A tree planted too close to your parking lot can stretch its roots out and, over time, compromise the foundation of your parking area. Be sure you find the best place to plant new trees in your yard so that they don’t damage your asphalt structure.

Most trees need at least 50 to 75 feet of space for their roots to stretch out. Any less, and you may have roots under your driveway in a few years. If you already notice roots cracking your parking lot, you may need a resurfacing or removal and replacement service.


Chemicals and Oil Spills

Oil, coolant, harsh cleaners, and other chemicals can stain the surface of your parking area. Oil stains are one of the most common. If you notice a dark stain on your asphalt, try using cat litter to remove it. Place the material completely over the spill overnight to see if it absorbs some of the excess oil. If you aren’t sure what type of spill you’re dealing with, contact a professional asphalt team to inspect the damage and determine a proper cleaning strategy. Improper cleaning can damage your asphalt further, so it’s essential to work with professionals when dealing with unknown stains and spills.

Another way to remove stains and surface damage is with a sealcoating service. Our team uses a unique material to coat the entire surface of your asphalt. Some stains can be easily covered without affecting your parking lot, while others need to be cleaned with cleaning agents and solvents before your asphalt is sealed.


UV Rays

The sun’s rays may be a welcome addition to a beachside party, but they can compromise your parking structure. Intense heat and powerful UV radiation oxidize the oil in your parking lot. This degrades it and prevents it from holding the aggregate together. Expect to see alligator cracking, potholes, and other issues after years of direct sun exposure in Arizona.

UV rays don’t just damage your parking lot on a hot day. While UV radiation and hot temperatures combine to create a soft, compromised structure, these rays can cause cracking and other issues in cool weather as well.



Water is a powerful force that can wear away asphalt and other structures. Puddles in your parking lot or groundwater underneath the surface create major issues for your pavement. Be sure to work with a quality paving team to ensure you have the proper foundation to avoid groundwater issues.

For surface water, proper drainage can help any amount of water quickly drain off your parking lot. If you have a compromised asphalt surface, ask a local contractor to inspect it and recommend the necessary repairs. Remove troublesome puddles and enjoy efficient drainage of your long driveway, large parking lot, or small pavement project.


Cold Temperatures

Phoenix may be better known for its heat, but freezing temperatures can also occur in the city and affect your driveway or parking lot. Cold temperatures make asphalt hard and brittle. When you drive on the brittle pavement, it can cause edges to break off and the surface to crack. Try to reduce the load on the edges of your parking lot in the winter. Try to avoid allowing water to freeze and thaw on the surface, as this can cause cracks and potholes to form.


Hot Temperatures

The summer sun can bake your pavement all day. Day after day, year after year, the harsh sunlight, extreme temperatures, and UV radiation can cause pitting, bruising, and softening. These issues are surface damage, but they can make your driveway or commercial parking area look unmaintained and unappealing.

Work with our team at One Stop Asphalt to find an asphalt mixture designed for Phoenix’s scorching heat. Schedule routine inspections and sealcoat services to keep the surface of your parking lot looking brand new. You can’t prevent the sun from coming out in Arizona, but you can prepare your asphalt to withstand direct sunlight day in and day out.


Improper Maintenance

A key part of asphalt protection is proper maintenance. When you skip out on sealcoating, crack filling, overlays, and asphalt replacement services, you decrease the lifespan of your pavement. Over time, minor cracks can turn into major potholes and deep fissures.

Preventative maintenance services are far more affordable than complete removal and replacement services, so be sure to work with One Stop Asphalt for proper maintenance. Another common maintenance issue is working with an inexperienced contractor. Improper pothole filling and sealcoating only mask structural issues in your parking lot.


Contact Us for Services Near Phoenix

For a leading asphalt contractor in Phoenix, turn to One Stop Asphalt. Request a free estimate today to see how you can enjoy an affordable inspection, sealcoat, or other maintenance services.

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parking lot material options 1

Which Material is Best for Your Parking Lot?

Tired of spending money on asphalt patching and looking for an affordable way to restore your parking lot? Whether you’re newly paving your residential parking area or updating your business location, find out how to choose the best material for your situation. Create a lot that’s durable, affordable, and provides a convenient surface for your family or customers to enjoy for many years, without asphalt maintenance, in Arizona. Compare an asphalt parking lot with other materials today to discover why it’s a popular option in the Phoenix area.


Durable Material

Asphalt is a durable material for the diverse climate of Arizona. Your parking surface is exposed to all the temperature swings and moisture conditions of your local climate, so it’s important to select a material that can withstand the heat, frost, and everything in between. Concrete can crack when exposed to freezing and thawing conditions and is much more difficult to repair than asphalt or gravel. A cracked parking lot is an eyesore and a costly maintenance task to repair.


Affordable Parking Area

Compare the initial investment of blacktop and concrete to discover why asphalt is a popular choice for low-cost construction. The additional cost of materials and labor associated with concrete typically makes it an inconvenient choice for business owners or homeowners looking to save money while protecting their property.

Gravel and other parking solutions advertise themselves as being more affordable than asphalt. While the initial investment may be less with a gravel parking lot, you don’t get the same level of comfort and professionalism with a gravel parking area. This option also tends to wear out quickly and require additional maintenance steps, so you may end up paying more for gravel after years of use.


Low-Maintenance Solution

Enjoy a range of preventative maintenance services when you choose asphalt for your property. Gravel requires a new layer and leveling services and concrete is difficult to patch. Asphalt, however, can be seal coated, resurfaced, and patched to extend the lifetime and reduce the maintenance of your parking area.

Work with a professional team to enjoy years of long-lasting convenience. Expert asphalt installation can prevent bumps, pits, and potholes. Even the busiest business location can enjoy efficient parking with professional maintenance and repair services.


Stunning Surface

There’s nothing like a sleek, black parking pad to set your business or home apart. Compared to the unfinished look of gravel and the dull gray of concrete, asphalt offers a stunning look that’s easy to maintain and brilliantly matches any landscaping or exterior design.

Add some striping to the surface and you’ll have a parking lot that’s safe and easy for all your customers or guests to navigate. When done properly, line striping can really set your location apart. Create accessible parking spaces and assist customers or guests in making the most of your parking area. Striping prevents vehicles from blocking the flow of traffic, emergency exits, or fire lanes.


Rapid Installation Option

Even complete removal and replacement asphalt services are typically faster and easier than a concrete parking lot installation service. Concrete takes additional days to cure before use, so you may lose additional income due to downtime or an inconvenient parking situation.

Ask your local asphalt team for an estimate of the time and cost of your asphalt parking project. Depending on the size and time of year in Arizona, you may be able to expect a usable lot in just a few days. This is a dramatic difference to the weeks it can take for a concrete lot to fully cure.


Advantages of Gravel

Carefully compare each type of parking lot material before making your choice. There are many pros and cons to choosing a parking surface, so it’s important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each material. Don’t settle for your existing parking lot material or the first option you find, but discover how gravel, concrete, and asphalt can each offer you a unique blend of advantages.

Gravel is the most affordable option for a short-term solution. The cost per square foot is slightly less for gravel, so the upfront investment may make it seem like a great deal. This cost difference isn’t as extreme when you compare long-term costs since gravel can require more maintenance than asphalt.


Benefits of Concrete

A sturdy, long-lasting, and versatile option, concrete definitely has some benefits to consider. There are many colors and textures you can choose when installing a concrete parking lot. This long-lasting material requires maintenance but can be a very reliable option for parking areas that experience extreme temperature swings.

Cracks may be more difficult to repair with a concrete parking lot, but they can be less common. Concrete tends to stay cooler for longer, especially when temperatures exceed 100 degrees in Phoenix.


Why You Need an Asphalt Parking Lot in the Valley of the Sun

In the end, asphalt is the clear winner for most parking applications. Asphalt is a recyclable material that is easy to install and maintain with the help of a professional team. While it may not have the low initial cost of gravel, over time you can expect to pay less to maintain your asphalt parking lot.

Work with a leading installation team to remove, recycle, and replace your asphalt parking lot at the end of its life. Some asphalt materials can promote water drainage better than concrete, so you won’t have to worry about pooling water or runoff issues when you have a professionally installed asphalt parking lot.


Contact Local Parking Lot Experts in Phoenix

At One Stop Asphalt, we understand your parking needs in Phoenix, AZ. Don’t settle for a concrete or gravel parking lot, but choose a better option for your home or business location. Request an estimate today to discover how you can invest in the future of your property and offer a safe, smooth parking location for all your guests, customers, or employees.

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Top Reasons for Paving Arizona’s Dirt Roads

The picturesque image of a pickup truck driving down a dirt road may be charming, but in reality, it has more than a few underlying downsides. That large dirt cloud following the truck is an unfortunate consequence of traffic on unpaved roads. While unpaved roads can help reduce traffic and may offer a more aesthetically appealing look to some, there are some pretty major drawbacks such as pollutants, ecological considerations and maintenance costs. When looking at dirt roads vs. paved roads, there may be more of a difference thank you think.

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Keep Your Air Cleaner with Paved Roads

Driving on any road surface can kick up particulate matter, but this is a particular problem with unpaved surfaces. A dirt road is hard and compacted with nothing keeping everything at ground level. Therefore, vehicle traffic kicks up a lot of dust which goes directly into the air you breathe. Maintaining satisfactory air quality is challenging enough in an area like Phoenix with extremely high temperatures. Factor in all of the dust from unpaved roads, and you’ve got a recipe for terrible air quality that affects everyone in the surrounding area. Asphalt paving in Phoenix is one way to help reduce some of the dust and particulates in the air.

Worry About Runoff

Unpaved and dirt roads can negatively impact the environment, with their hard and compacted surfaces of dirt leading to land erosion. That erosion can travel into streambeds, choking local wildlife. It can also carry hazardous materials far from the point of origin through groundwater seepage. Dirt roads can cause their own set of negative ecological consequences, so it pays to be aware of the options and consider a paved surface.

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Are Dirt Roads Low Cost?

It’s true that dirt roads are less expensive to install since they do not require any finishing surface. However, this doesn’t mean they cost less in the long term, particularly when it comes to the inclusion of potential liability issues. Dirt roads take a lot of maintenance that must be performed as soon as the need arises.  Filling potholes is not a task limited to Phoenix paving projects. Ruts and uneven surfaces can be just as dangerous on an unpaved road.

If you have an unpaved road with climbing maintenance costs or that’s causing other problems, contact One Stop Asphalt to discuss your paving solutions. We can help you discover the best way to handle the problem and turn your dirt road into a sustainable surface.



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Hours: 8am-5pm ~ Monday-Friday

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safely lined and paved parking lot with cars one stop asphalt

How to Limit Parking Lot Accidents

While driving in a parking lot means lower speeds, it also means a lot of accidents. One out of every five accidents happens in a parking lot. When you are the parking lot owner, the last thing you want to deal with is a possible question of premise liability. Your asphalt paving and maintenance can have a major impact on the number of accidents that occur on your lot. Here are a few preventable issues that you should be on the lookout for.

Growing Potholes and the Swerves that Result

When you see a big pothole in the ground, swerving to avoid it is a natural response. After all, you don’t want to risk a broken axle or torn tire. Unfortunately, swerving can put you into the path of travel of another vehicle. Cleaning up and tackling asphalt repair in Phoenix can give your customers a smooth surface that is pothole-free. Don’t leave your customers jerking the wheel to avoid vehicle damage.

Spacing Issues

Tight parking lots don’t always leave a lot of space for turning around or backing into or out of a parking space. That makes maximizing your lot a priority. The striping you use and the positioning of every space need expert attention to avoid backing one car into another.

Double Striping

As cracks appear on the surface of your pavement, the striping can also fade. When that happens, laying new striping on top of old without first crack filling your parking lot in Phoenix can mean a lot of show-through. When old striping is still visible through the new striping, it can cause a lot of confusion on your lot. Vehicles might park too far in one direction or another, raising the risk of a parking lot fender bender.

Directional Cues

In addition to striping, you might want to include some traffic directions. If your lanes are narrow, they really should be one-way. A few arrows added to your lot can help with traffic flow and prevent a lot of problems.

Stopping Seepage

A poorly prepared underlayment means that you could have water building up in the ground. That means a total removal and replacement for your existing asphalt. When drainage isn’t sufficient, it can lead to all sorts of problems, including additional water on your parking lot surface, which can make it dangerous to drive on and create a slick surface that leads to sliding vehicles.

Keep your pavement and customers safe while looking good and boosting your businesses curb appeal  At One Stop Asphalt, we can help you with all of your paving needs, so contact us today to discuss we can help to keep your parking lot save and paved.

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Featured image: non c/Shutterstock