Author:Admin-One Stop

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When is it Time to Rework Your Roads?

When it comes to dirt roads vs. paved roads, many Phoenix residents are discovering the advantages of asphalt. It comes with many benefits, but in order for it to help and not hinder the roads, you want to make sure you maintain it. Otherwise, it will begin to degrade. A damaged road increases the risk of a vehicle sustaining damage as well or two cars colliding with one another. Here are some telltale signs you need asphalt paving in Phoenix before the problem gets any worse.


Potholes form when the structure beneath the asphalt contracts and expands repeatedly. It will eventually weaken to the point where cracks form and a piece of the asphalt becomes loose. In many cases, you just need someone to come out and fill in the pothole. Without quick action, the pothole will grow larger, and the entire section of asphalt will need to be taken out. They are a huge eyesore, and people will complain about driving over them until the issue is fixed.


Cracks form similarly to potholes, but their development can be exacerbated if gasoline or oil stays on the surface for too long. Over time, the cracks will grow larger due to water seeping into the asphalt. When the temperature drops, the water can freeze, making the problem even worse. If dealt with soon enough, then professionals can fill in the problem spots. When more extreme damage occurs, you may need a more comprehensive replacement.


Any road’s asphalt will go on top of a base, most likely made of stone. This base can slowly erode, and as a result, the entire road will sink. This will happen much faster if the road sees a lot of traffic on a daily basis. In most cases, the old portion will need to be dug out, and replaced with a new portion.

Aged Appearance

All things fade over time. Due to constant exposure to UV rays, the asphalt will begin to take on a weathered aesthetic. Occasionally, this fading will occur as a result of oxidation. This is a much more serious problem because it can actually weaken the asphalt, making repairs or replacement essential.

One Stop Asphalt is the only Phoenix paving company you need. We can help get your road or parking lot back to pristine condition through seal coating, crack filling, overlaying or any other of our expert services. Do not wait until your road gets worse, and contact us through our online form. We will recommend the best service to make your roads safe once again.

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Top Reasons for Paving Arizona’s Dirt Roads

The picturesque image of a pickup truck driving down a dirt road may be charming, but in reality, it has more than a few underlying downsides. That large dirt cloud following the truck is an unfortunate consequence of traffic on unpaved roads. While unpaved roads can help reduce traffic and may offer a more aesthetically appealing look to some, there are some pretty major drawbacks such as pollutants, ecological considerations and maintenance costs. When looking at dirt roads vs. paved roads, there may be more of a difference thank you think.

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Keep Your Air Cleaner with Paved Roads

Driving on any road surface can kick up particulate matter, but this is a particular problem with unpaved surfaces. A dirt road is hard and compacted with nothing keeping everything at ground level. Therefore, vehicle traffic kicks up a lot of dust which goes directly into the air you breathe. Maintaining satisfactory air quality is challenging enough in an area like Phoenix with extremely high temperatures. Factor in all of the dust from unpaved roads, and you’ve got a recipe for terrible air quality that affects everyone in the surrounding area. Asphalt paving in Phoenix is one way to help reduce some of the dust and particulates in the air.

Worry About Runoff

Unpaved and dirt roads can negatively impact the environment, with their hard and compacted surfaces of dirt leading to land erosion. That erosion can travel into streambeds, choking local wildlife. It can also carry hazardous materials far from the point of origin through groundwater seepage. Dirt roads can cause their own set of negative ecological consequences, so it pays to be aware of the options and consider a paved surface.

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Are Dirt Roads Low Cost?

It’s true that dirt roads are less expensive to install since they do not require any finishing surface. However, this doesn’t mean they cost less in the long term, particularly when it comes to the inclusion of potential liability issues. Dirt roads take a lot of maintenance that must be performed as soon as the need arises.  Filling potholes is not a task limited to Phoenix paving projects. Ruts and uneven surfaces can be just as dangerous on an unpaved road.

If you have an unpaved road with climbing maintenance costs or that’s causing other problems, contact One Stop Asphalt to discuss your paving solutions. We can help you discover the best way to handle the problem and turn your dirt road into a sustainable surface.



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Protecting your Parking Lot in the Arizona Sun: Seal Coating and Crack Filling

Updated: August 29, 2021

Protecting Asphalt in AZ

Moving to Arizona to enjoy endless days of sun sounds like a great idea until you realize that the same sun that gives you great weather also includes highs of well above 100-degrees and plenty of UV rays to punish your property. Asphalt is particularly at risk of damage, due to the way it is made. Essentially, asphalt is simply small bits of rock held together with a binder. The binder is vulnerable to all sorts of environmental impacts, including UV rays and heat. So the warm weather might mean more days outside, but it can also mean more brittle pavement and an appointment for seal coating or crack filling.

What is Seal Coating?

More than 300 days of sun in Phoenix every year means a lot of heat builds up in your pavement. Plus, the black color of asphalt means it absorbs every bit of hit that hits the ground. That’s a lot of wear and tear on your Phoenix parking lot each year. When you go out, a coat of sunscreen helps protect your skin, and a seal coating acts the same way for your parking lot. A layer of sealant helps keep the sun damage to a minimum, reducing the need for ongoing maintenance. Protect your parking lot or driveway by seal coating asphalt in Phoenix, AZ.

What is Crack Filling?

When cracks appear on the surface of your pavement, it is just a matter of time before they become gaping potholes. Filling or sealing these cracks is a must to avoid damage to your property and your customer’s property. Sealing cracks involves laying down a hot, rubberized sealant to larger cracks that have movement. Your asphalt shifts with weight and wear, so crack that move along with the rest of the pavement need equally flexible patching. When you have small cracks, say in a parking lot in Phoenix, you might choose crack filling to get the job done. With crack filling, we simply replace the missing asphalt with a new emulsion. This works well to keep out water and other damaging particles, as long as the cracks do not have much movement. Because this filler is fairly static, it does not work well in cracks that shift with weight or over time.

Call in the Experts

At One Stop Asphalt, we know paving. When you need asphalt repair in Phoenix, we can give you a complete and accurate assessment of the damage. If you catch the problems early, it is likely that a sealant will be enough to stave off more costly repairs. If you wind up with larger cracks, our experts will recommend the right type of repair for your paving, so you’ll have a bright black surface that’s ready for fun in the sun.

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